The Club in Winter

Pavilion in Winter

Annual Dinner and Prize Giving

This is normally held on the last Friday in October at Mortonhall Golf Club, 7 pm for 7.30

The Club enjoys a number of social activities during the winter months. Details for 2023-4 are given below.

Royal Mile Walks

Braid is fortunate in having among its membership 3 Edinburgh Festival Guides Eric Melvin, John Thompson, and Sandy Cameron.

Come along and hear the fascinating stories from Scotland's history played out along the Scots Mile from Castle to Holyrood Palace.
A charge of £5 for each walk will go towards Club funds.
Thurs 21st Sept at 10amCastlehill and LawnmarketJohn Thompson
Thurs 28th Sept at 10amHigh Street to the NetherbowEric Melvin
Thurs 12th Oct at 10amCanongate and Abbey StrandEric Melvin

Autumn Talks - Travellers' Tales

In recent years Braid has ran a successful programme of talks by some of our Braid "Travellers", the talks presented in the 2023 Season are given below:

Tues 17th Oct at 2pmA Visit to Chogoria, KenyaEric & Lynda Melvin
Tues 31st Oct at 2pmSix Caribbean IslandsKathleen Patrick
Tues 14th Nov at 2pmBrazil - Sau Paolo, Rio and BeyondDave Powell
Tues 28th Nov at 2pmThe Life and Times of Mary, Queen of ScotsEric Melvin
Tues 12th Dec at 2pmKariba, ZimbabweIvor Yule

There is an entrance charge of £3 with tea/coffee and biscuits available at £2. All proceeds go to club funds.
(Eric Melvin)

Bowlers and Strollers

Bowlers & Strollers

The Strollers are a very informal group of members who meet at three-week intervals to walk not more than 4 miles (mostly less!) - and then enjoy lunch together.
The object is gentle exercise, companionship and fun. New Strollers will be very welcome - no need to register, just turn up.
A BBC Alert will be sent out about a week before giving details of the next walk.
Walks leave from the Bowling Club (Midmar Drive entrance) at 10am. Please be there a few minutes before.


Winter Whist

Winter Whist Drives will again be held in the Pavilion during the close season at 2.00pm on the following Thursday afternoons - 12th and 26th October, 9th and 23rd November, and 7th December. Whist will restart after the Xmas/New Year break on Thursday 18th January and run every two weeks until 28th March All members and their guests are very welcome to attend these sessions which will last for approximately 2 hours. There will also be a charge of £3 per person, per session, to include tea and coffee, with all payments going to club funds. Any queries should be directed to Norma Harley

Bridge Group (**New** for 2023)

The Bridge Group will meet at 2.00pm on the following Tuesdays - 3rd, 10th and 24th October, 7th, 21st November, and 12th December. Further dates to be confirmed*. All members and their guests are very welcome to attend these sessions which will last for approximately 2 hours. There will also be a charge of £3 per person, per session, to include tea and coffee, with all payments going to club funds. Any queries should be directed to Sheena West

*The timing of the bridge sessions for the next few weeks in December are as follows- Tuesday 5th start 10.30, Tuesday 12th start 10.30, Tuesday 19th start 2pm (Christmas party bridge) - further information will be provided in a separate email re 19th Dec nearer the time.

Indoor Bowls

Members reluctant to take an off-season break from bowling may consider joining the group of Braid bowlers who play indoors at Bainfield. Braid bounce games take place on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12 - 2pm and are organised by Ivor Yule. In addition to the informal bounce games some Braid members play in the Morning League - team organised by Bob Shaw, and the Evening League - organised by Graeme Walker. Those intending to play over the full winter season pay Bainfield the appropriate subscription, but casual players can arrange to be signed in by a Braid member to give indoor bowls a shot before commitment.
(Further details from Ivor Yule )