Welcome to our website

2025 Season


News and current events

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see also Braid Facebook Page

Welcome to the Braid Bowling Club web site. We hope that members and prospective members will find that it serves as a useful reference point for information about the club.

Looking forward to the 2025 Bowling Season at Braid

Now well into March and only a month away from the start of the 2025 bowling season at Braid!
The Opening Circular for the season has already been circulated to members along with Subscription Form and Competition Entry Form.
Members are kindly reminded to return the Subscription Form before the end of March.

*Filming at Braid*

Members should be aware that Braid has recently been a film location for a group of Edinburgh Napier Student shooting a drama about a bowling club - a fuller account is available on Edinburgh Live

*Braid Art Exhibition*

Members are reminded that Braid Pavilion will be hosting an Art Exhibition in the last week in March.
Our organisers, Frances Martin and Ian Farmer have managed to get over 50 artists displaying over 100 artworks!
The exhibition is open to the public from Thursday 27th March till Sunday 30th March between 11.00am and 4.00pm. Do come along and encourage neighbours and friends to come as well.

*Informal Coffee Morning*

As is customary we begin the season with an informal coffee morning to be held on Saturday 5th April when the Green will also be open for casual "roll-ups".

*Joint Opening Day*

The bowling season will then commence with a Joint Opening Day on Saturday 12th April at 2.00pm.
Once the season has begun check out the Events calendar from the link on the right hand side menu for a full programme of fixtures.

Wishing you "all the best" for an enjoyable 2025 season of bowling at Braid!

Prospective members are invited to visit our membership section where they will find information about the benefits of playing bowls at Braid, and an Application Form.

Please give us your opinion of the web site and any suggestions for change. You can do this by sending an email to webmaster@braidbc.co.uk